Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pre-race Tips and Advise

I've been MIA, I know. But I'm still here, and I'm still training! Although I'm training less with the team these days and more on my own simply due to competing interests. I've gotten out of bed early the last few mornings to get a good three miles in before starting the day. It's chilly out there! I donned my fleece hat this morning, and the gloves will follow soon if the weather keeps moving toward fall. I recently had the privilege of providing some marathon advice to a first-time marathoner (a non-TNTer). I can't take credit for it, as the tips were passed along to me by my coaches! However, since the Nike Women's Marathon is this weekend and many of my teammates are running the race, I thought I'd post what I shared:
  • Don't do anything new on marathon day. That includes wearing any new clothing or fuel belts you haven't tried out during training, as well as eating anything you're not used to consuming before or during a run. Sounds simple, but I've heard horror stories, including one from an experience marathoner (and one of my teammates) who ate raisins before his race to impress his health nut friend. All I can say is it was a bad, bad idea, and he paid the price. On that note, stay away from fiber entirely the 24 hours before the race!
  • Think about your pre-run meal routine and bring anything you may need to replicate it with you.
  • Don't go out too fast and be sure to fuel yourself properly along the way (water, electrolytes and carbs). A (half) marathon is no time to be stubborn.
  • Don't even think about sitting or squatting down once you're past about 18 miles -- you may not get up again! (This is not as much of an issue for half-marathoners.)
  • If you're flying to a destination race, don't check any of your running gear. Bring it on board with you and stow it at your feet or in an overhead compartment. It would be awful if the airline lost your checked bag and your running gear was inside!
  • Above all, enjoy the race, take in the scenery, and be kind to other runners around you!
I'll be in San Francisco on Sunday to cheer for my friends and teammates. I've never been a spectator before, and I'm really looking forward to it! I'll post photos and write about the race once it's all said and done. Go Team!

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