Friday, November 21, 2008

Kelsie, queen of puff paint

We discovered during the pasta party that a few of our teammates hadn't decorated their TNT shirts for race day - sacrilege! Never fear, however, for Kelsie the puff paint queen was at the ready to remedy the situation.

Everyone ran up to their rooms and met back down in the lobby for an impromptu decorating session. We definitely looked a little funny hunched over purple t-shirts, but desperate times called for desperate measures! Fortunately, many of the hotel guests were also TNTers, so they certainly understood our arts and crafts session.

1 comment:

Kelsie said...

Two things:

1. I don't know if I should feel honored that I got a blog entry dedicated to me or totally embarassed of my puff painting skills.
2. I have the picture of Gary in the tiara and it will surface is on my to-do list!