Thursday, September 18, 2008

Getting Cooler

It may just be a fluke, but the weather was decidedly cooler this morning when I went out for a run (about 55 degrees, best guess). I busted out my fleece headband, and layered in a moisture-wicking tank top, long-sleeved technical top and lightweight running jacket! I thought for sure I'd lose the running jacket a few miles into the run, but all I did was unzip it a little bit. I managed to forget gloves, so carrying my cold water bottle meant that my hands were numb by the end of the 4.8-mile Upper Happy Valley loop. My warm shower afterwards felt soooo good!

I had to get my run in this morning since I skipped yesterday's YOYO workout to attend the staff social at Pyramid Alehouse in Walnut Creek and I'm having dinner with my friend, Carlos, at Cha Cha Cha tonight. So much to do and so little time!

I'm going to try to drag myself to the gym tomorrow morning to rock climb. I went to Mission Cliffs yesterday morning; it was so much fun and yet so brutal! I'm out of rock climbing shape, so my arms got pumped and I fatigued really quickly. But I'm game for going again tomorrow.

Speaking of rock climbing, we have a TNT outing to Diablo Rock Gym this Sunday. I can't wait for people to try it out!

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